SRC Research is an independent analysts house providing equity research for professional investors in our key industries Financial Services and Real Estate. Our focus are mostly German and Austrian companies from our home region. SRC Research wants to support investors finding the right investment decisions for Financial and Real Estate stocks. Therewith we provide professional but also compact information to allow a well-founded decision.
Second division of SRC Research is the advisory and consulting of companies belonging to the financial and real estate industry and other industries as well. General concern (main focus) is here to support and help companies improve their communication towards investors. IR Consulting includes support to create and also anlyse annual and quarterly reports, company presentations, IR handbooks, competition analysis as also the planning and realisation of roadshows, analyst workshops or similar events. At this our clients profit thru our very good track record, the high professional competence and the dense and large network of SRC Research.
Our Guidelines
We stand for our convictions:
We say what we think.
We stand behind our word:
We do, what we say.
We stand for our actions:
What we do, we do it consistently.
We are open and humane
One another.
We aim at long-term success,
not on short-term profits.
We only deliver high-quality products and solutions,
because only successful customers return.
SRC Research
SRC-Scharff Research und
Consulting GmbH
Klingerstr. 23
D-60313 Frankfurt
+49 (0) 69 - 400 313-80
© seit 2018 | SRC RESEARCH