SRC Quote of the Year 2018
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
(Oscar Wilde)
SRC Quote of the Year 2017
"Nature is gracious! If you promise a lot, you will be given a bad memory."
(Bob Hope, English Actor 1903–2003)
SRC Quote of the Year 2016
"Long live the Pioneers, Rebels and Mutineers!"
(X Ambassadors)
SRC Quote of the Year 2015
"Do not part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
(Mark Twain)
SRC Quote of the Year 2014
"Man sollte die Darmstädter erst abschreiben, wenn wir unter der Dusche stehen."
(Dirk Schuster, Trainer des SV Darmstadt 98, am 16. Mai 2014 nach der 1:3 Hinspiel-Niederlage in der Zweitliga-Relegation gegen Arminia Bielefeld. Das Team stieg drei Tage später durch ein 4-2 im Rückspiel auf.)
SRC Quote of the Year 2013
"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why." (Albert Einstein)
SRC Quote of the Year 2012
"You have to have learned a lot, to ask about things, that you don't know."
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
SRC Quote of the Year 2011
"The Power of the Bankers comes near to a surrealistic nightmare like in the Wizard of Oz." (Tim Price, PFP Group London, about the making of Libor interest rates in the City)
SRC Quote of the Year 2010
"When you take risks, it's like jumping up in the air, and it's nice to know the ground will be there when you land." (Apple CEO Steve Jobs at AGM on
25 February 2010)
SRC Quote of the Year 2009
"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word crisis. One brush stroke stands for danger. The other for opportunity. In a crisis be aware of the danger, but recognise the opportunity." (John F. Kennedy)
SRC Quote of the Year 2008
"Der Nachteil der Intelligenz besteht darin, dass man ununterbrochen dazulernen muss."
(George Bernhard Shaw)
SRC Quote of the Year 2007
"Jeder dumme Junge kann einen Käfer zertreten. Aber alle Professoren
der Welt können keinen herstellen." (Arthur Schopenhauer)
SRC Quote of the Year 2006
Wissen ist nicht genug, wir müssen es anwenden.
Wollen ist nicht genug, wir müssen es tun.
(Bundestrainer Klinsmann schrieb jedem Nationalspieler vor der
WM die 9 Team-Vorsätze in den persönlichen Kalender auf die Titel-
seite. Unter den 9 Vorsätzen stand dieses Zitat von J.W. von Goethe)
SRC Quote of the Year 2005
"Ich denke, dass es einen Weltmarkt für vielleicht 5 Computer gibt."
(Thomas Watson, CEO von IBM, 1943)
SRC Quote of the Year 2004
"Wer attackieren kann, attackiert."
(Jan Ullrich bei der Tour de France 2003 auf die Frage nach dem
"ewigen Duell" mit Lance Armstrong)
SRC Quote of the Year 2003
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one
has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome
while trying to succeed.” ( Booker T. Washington)
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